Sunday, November 1, 2009


I know I don't ever write anything. I suppose because I know my self and how much help I need. I guess I should do more of it at appropriate times. There is a certain danger to it though. As a believer in Jesus Christ, all I say and do is examined and dissected and judged. There is nothing for it: it will always happen. And so I pray for grace and mercy because I am still in dire need of saving.

I had to write a reflection sort of journal thing and something struck me;

What a waste it is not to heed God and give up everything. What a terrible cost it is not to come to Him and throw our whole selves on His altar. It is not worth holding on to sin. God is worth letting go of everything.

I don't really know where you are, but I know that I am here on the other side of not throwing all of me onto God. I'm finding the cost of defying his call for complete repentance. Rest assured, hiding only lets the wound fester and consume the whole limb. Eventually it even poisons the whole body. Why not stop and see God, the one who created time, who loves you exactly where you are and throw yourself into his waiting arms letting everything else fall at his feet?

I don't remember a whole lot about my very early childhood. But I know that when I wanted to be held, anything that got in my way was thrown down so that I could hold on to my father and he to me. How I wish you can learn from little children and throw off everything that gets in between you and Gods loving embrace. It's just not worth trying to hold on to anything but God.

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